My little ode to Mike Oldfield (hence the name of the piece). Still requires drums and guitar work to be corrected, but for now the basics are laid down. The rest will follow one day.
I went back to square one, assembled my own drum kit from individual sounds, and set about to create an original beat from scratch. Not sure about the result but it was a fun exercise done in the middle of last night.
I still need to make some progress with the hardware controls, but at the end of a long week I spent some more time discovering the “analog” sound of the Rickenbacker Bass module. Simple little melody, I didn’t have the energy to really get too creative, but I promised myself to become a little more daring on the next go-around, time permitting of course.
Stepped totally out of my comfort zone this time. Took the time to learn some more on-board controls. Slowly getting into the groove, literally. Enjoying making the video of course, and looking to “stretch” my abilities there as well.
A piano based beat, at the end of the day, to blow off some steam. Still haven’t advanced technically, still doing way too much with the software instead of using onboard controls, but I promise myself to make an effort this coming weekend to learn a few new things.
I was in the mood for something else this time. Something calmer and more melodious. Set up Maschine in Harmonic Minor scale and quickly came up with this. Still, I have to figure out how to copy notes played between Groups on the Maschine software to avoid doubling up on a lot of work. Also I am still using the software too much, having not yet mastered the onboard controls of the amazing Maschine Mk3. One step at a time.
Finally a short break after a lot of traveling. Time for a quick beat.
As I mentioned in my blog, I recently got my hands on some Native Instruments gear. I’ll explore my progress on this page.